Homepage Valerian lichid deyam

Valerian lichid deyam

Extract natural de Valeriana fara alcool, 50 ml, Dacia Plant [6421930770032] - Extract natural de valeriana Fara alcool! Supliment alimentar Proprietati: Extractul .

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Valerian I 253-260 AD Pubius Licinius Valerianus was a man from a respected Roman family, Valerian had held various offices in the government during the reign of Trajan Decius (249-251AD).

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Valerian has an effect on the nervous system of many animals, especially cats, which seem to be thrown into a kind of intoxication by its scent. It is scarcely possible to keep a plant of Valerian in a garden after the leaves or root have been bruised or disturbed in any way, for cats are at once attracted and roll on the unfortunate plant.
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TINCTURA DE VALERIANĂ este o soluţie hidroalcoolică obţinută prin preparare la rece din rădăcina plantei Valeriana officinalis. Dintre produsele vegetale .
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Valerian is an herbaceous perennial, with a strong, fetid smell. The stem is erect, grooved, and hairy near the base, and sometimes branched above. It bears four to eight pairs of leaves. The dark-green leaves are sometimes divided more than once. The pink-tinged flowers are small and tubular.
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garden valerian This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above.

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